The students at Glen Katherine are encouraged to take on a range of leadership roles. The Captains act as effective role models for the student body and our wider community and they are provided with opportunities to actively participate in the decision-making processes at our school.
Some of the roles in which the School Captains are involved include:
- Organising and running whole school assemblies
- Helping with Prep orientation
- Conducting school tours
- Assisting on Open Day & other special school events
- Mentoring their peers
- Developing the whole school 'Code of Cooperation'
Some of the roles in which the House Captains are involved include:
- Assisting with school sport and athletic events Eg. house aths carnival, the Fun Run
- Organising special activities and round robin events for other students
- Helping with the class house points system and reporting back at assembly
- Assisting coaches with the interschool sport program, equipment and care of uniforms
- Giving reports at school assemblies
- Leading their houses at house events