The Mathematics Curriculum in primary schools incorporates the following:
At Glen Katherine we believe that mathematics is incorporated in most parts of daily life. The teaching of mathematical skills related to purposeful and ‘real life’ activities helps children understand its relevance in their lives.
The Early Numeracy Program approach is applied throughout the school at all levels. A minimum of 5 sessions per week are allocated to mathematics. Typically mathematical sessions begin with a whole class focus. The children may then be part of small group teacher directed activities, independent activities or rotational activities. Groups are structured according to the teaching focus of the session and the children’s individual learning needs.
Children are encouraged to verbalise their thinking. Sharing their learning and strategies during and at the end of a session is an excellent way for children to learn from each other and clarify their understandings.
Children work at a level that enables them to build on prior knowledge, challenge their thinking and make new connections. At all levels children are presented ‘real life’ mathematical problems enabling them to apply their mathematical skills and develop their problem solving strategies.
The Early Years Numeracy Program
The Early Years Numeracy program is designed to support schools when planning a comprehensive and strategic approach to teaching and learning mathematics. The program helps teachers to identify children’s understandings and scaffold the next stage of their learning. The program is based on the recognition that all children can succeed in Mathematics given sufficient time, support and strategic and explicit teaching.
At all times and at all levels, a range of physical resources is available for children to use to support them in solving and demonstrating a mathematical problem. This equipment includes such things as counters, attribute blocks, clocks, rulers, calculators and relevant computer software.
Throughout the mathematics sessions teachers monitor and assess students' progress. Ongoing assessment informs teachers about the children's progress enabling them to adjust the teaching focus and allows for extension of students who are performing above grade level expectations and additional support for those who initially struggle with numerical concepts.
Parent involvement is encouraged during maths sessions, in particular when children are involved in ‘hands on’ sessions. At Glen Katherine we welcome assistance in the classroom, where the teacher will guide and support parents when working with small groups or individual children.