School Profile

Glen Katherine Primary School is located in Eltham North, a north-eastern, leafy suburb of Melbourne. IChildren are drawn from Eltham, Eltham North, Diamond Creek and Greensborough as well as Plenty, Yarrambat and Hurstbridge. Strong links with the local kindergartens and St. Helena S.C. ensure a smooth transition process into and beyond GKPS. The school's 2024 enrolment is 569 students organised into 25 classes with class sizes in the P-2 area in the low 20's and mid-20's range from 3-6.

Our current staffing structure consists of Principal, Assistant Principal/Welfare and Wellbeing Coordinator, Leading Teacher, Learning Specialists, Sub-school leaders and year level Professional Learning teams. There are Education Support personnel in the office, a Business Manager, a trained First Aid Officer, ICT technician, Integration Aides, Out of School Hours Care Co-ordinator and assistants and Canteen manager. 

Parent participation and support is recognised as being essential to the continuing success of the school. There is no doubting the fact that children's learning is greatly enhanced when the home/school relationship is strong and connected. Contact with parents is through Compass which was introduced in 2020, our school website, information evenings, Student Led Conferences, direct teacher/parent contact and through involvement on School CouncilParents and Friends Association and the Grade Communicator Program.  


PURPOSEGlen Katherine Primary School Council and staff are committed to offering equality of opportunity to all students. We aim to create a 'student at the centre' learning environment in which everyone works cooperatively and respectfully together. We expect children to enjoy school, experience success and take increasing responsibility for their learning and decision-making.  



The staff and school community at Glen Katherine Primary School are committed to providing a learning environment which encourages lifelong learning for all. We believe in developing students who have confidence, self-respect, a passion for learning, curiosity and are socially responsible. These beliefs are reflected in our key set of school values which are:- Be Kind, Be Brave, Be Curious- Be Your Best and are interwoven through all aspects of the school curriculum.


The term ‘curriculum’ includes not only the content of courses, based on the Victorian Curriculum but also includes many varieties of activities and teaching approaches. The curriculum provided at G.K. recognises that students have different ways of learning, develop at different rates, and come from a variety of backgrounds. 


At G.K. your child will be able to participate in an exceptionally wide range of curriculum subjects - EnglishMaths, Integrated Curriculum, a specialised Science and Sustainability Program, Health and Physical Education, The Arts (Music and Visual Arts), Information and Technology, GK Kitchen and Food Technology. In addition, students have a wide range of opportunities to participate in leadership (see the Students tab of our website) and extra curricula activities, as well as classroom blogging.


Glen Katherine is committed to maximizing the educational opportunities for all students with staff professional development playing a vital role in achieving this. Striving for continuous improvement through capacity building of all staff is the challenge we have embraced.








Information and Communication Technology is an important aspect of curriculum and is integrated into all curriculum areas. The continual development of skills for both teachers and students is strongly emphasised. Children have ready access to computers/notebooks/tablets along with a range of digital tools including smart TV screens, multi-function printers and copiers. In 2015, a Bring Your Own (BYO) program was introduced and continues in Years 5&6. This program provides much improved access to digital technologies for students in the later years of primary school. In 2023, the School Council approved that laptops would be the preferred BYO device – and would include Year 4s, preparing students for secondary school.




Staff recognise the importance of developing programs enabling each child to feel safe, confident, and challenged in their learning. Children are encouraged to set goals and take an active part in tracking their own learning.  


A key aspect of our program is values education which is as much about character building as it is about equipping students with specific skills, knowledge, and understandings. It is our belief that a sound values-based education can strengthen students’ self-esteem, optimism and personal commitment, at the same time, develop their sense of ethical judgement and social responsibility. The school values program is based on mutual respect. (Be Brave, Be Kind, Be Curious, Be Your Best). All classes use a whole school Steps to Learning Model which forms the basis of social competency skill building, classroom organization and behaviour management for the remainder of the year.

The school's Engagement and Wellbeing Coordinator oversees the student wellbeing area and coordinates student intervention programs including learning support, the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and referrals to other agencies (primarily speech therapy and psychological support). A key part of the role is to advocate on behalf of the student and be a key link between parent, teacher, child and other agencies. 




The extensive well-planned grounds provide both active and passive activity zones including: a full-sized gymnasium, a shared soccer pitch, hard courts, two synthetic surface tennis courts and adventure playgrounds. GK has an extensively well-resourced Library and a variety of IT equipment including iPad, laptops, and smart TV's. The Science precinct includes a dedicated classroom and environmental area called the Glen Katherine Gully







At the end of 2011, the school was announced by the state government as a specialist school in Science and Sustainability and awarded a $100,000 grant enabling the continuation and further development of the school's Science and Sustainability program and practices. Shade sails, a gazebo, a large, curved roof shade structure over a central courtyard and long verandas give children lots of shaded play and quiet activity spaces. A multipurpose building (MPB) completed in 2011 greatly enhances existing school facilities and provides a modern space for Music, Art as well as a half-sized gym which is used for PE, grade activities, visiting presenters, PFA functions and much more.