Student Reports

GK uses commonsense report cards, which were introduced by the state government in response to calls by parents for clear, consistent from one school to another and easy to understand assessment and reporting on students' progress. 


These report cards follow a common format and are written in plain English. They were introduced so that no matter what Victorian Government school your child attends, you will receive a clear picture of your child's progress that is reported in the same way and against the same state-wide standards in Years Prep to 6.


Key features of the report cards

The report cards have:

  • a chart with a scale of 5 levels, showing your child's current progress against the expected state-wide standard as well as the progress they have made since the previous year *
  • a chart showing your child’s level of effort and class behaviour
  • details about attendance
  • easy to understand comments from teachers on students wellbeing and social progress
  • in primary school, a written comment from your child on their progress

Benefits of the report cards

  • Clear information about your child’s strengths and areas for improvement
  • Clearly written comments tell you how your child is progressing


A common reporting scale

The report card’s 5 point scale rating will tell you how your child is progressing against the expected standard. For example, a dot in the yellow column means your child is at the expected standard and that his or her learning is on track. The reporting scale has the following consistent meanings across the state:

  • 2 or more levels above - well above the expected standard at this time of year
  • 1 level above - above the standard expected at this time of year
  • Yellow column - at the standard expected at this time of year
  • 1 level below - below the standard expected at this time of year
  • 2 or more levels below - well below the standard expected at this time of year.


Student progress over time

The report card charts your child’s progress from the previous year to the current year. You are able to see how your child progresses at school over a twelve-month period.


Written reports at least twice per year

You will receive regular information on the progress of your child, with written report cards distributed at least twice a year.


Improved partnerships between home and school

If your child is having difficulties at school, or is performing well above expectations, the teacher will implement an educational program to assist and extent your child. These are referred to as an Individual Learning Plan (ILPs).


Parents are an important part of this process. When you know what extra assistance your child needs, you can become involved and work in partnership with the school. Schools also continue to offer parent-teacher interviews for you to discuss your child’s progress in more detail. At GK, students are involved in these interviews as part of three-way conferences. 


Student involvement in reporting

Your child also plays a role in reporting on their progress at school and this information is included in the report. In primary school, students include a written comment about their progress in class. 


The above, relevant to Glen Katherine, sections of information have been taken from the Department of Education and Training website.

Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10: Policy |



Why there are 5 levels of ratings on the report cards

You might remember receiving marks, comments, or ‘A’s, ‘B’s, ‘C’s, or even ‘D’s or ‘E’s when you were at school. Although useful, these ratings were often not consistent from one school to another.

In some schools, for example, a ‘C’ would mean ‘barely adequate’, in others ‘satisfactory’, and in others ‘not good enough’. A ‘B’ rating could mean ‘quite good’ in one school, ‘very good’ in another, and ‘about average’ in another.


In reading your child’s report, it is important to remember that the 5 level ratings have a specific meaning that is consistent in all Victorian schools. For example, on the report card, no matter which school your child attends, a level above rating will always mean that your child is above the state-wide standard expected at the time of year. A level at rating will always mean your child has achieved the state-wide standard expected at this time of the year, and their learning is firmly on track.


What the 5-point ratings mean

The 5-point scale linked to the Victorian Curriculum on student report cards means all Government schools in Victoria (with the exception of some specialist setting schools) now use the same approach to reporting student progress. The 5 levels of ratings have the same meaning at every school and student progress is reported against the same Standards.


Student motivation and progression

Student report cards are designed to provide students and parents with a clear picture of a student’s achievement at the time of reporting as well as the progress the student has made since the previous year so that action can be taken to ensure improvements are made. This means the report cards clearly indicate progress made and current areas of achievement at, above or below the expected standard.


Not all students will make significant progress or meet all of the standards expected for their year level all of the time. It is not unusual for students to make better progress in some areas than in others. Some students may be achieving at the standard, but have made little progress over the year. Others may not be achieving at the standard yet but may have made significant progress since the previous year.


The principle behind the student report cards is that it is essential for the school, the student and the parent to have as clear as possible picture of the progress made over a year, as well as current achievement.


Where a student has made little progress or is currently not meeting the standard expected, this is clearly indicated on the report and the class teacher should be in contact with the family directly.


Student involvement in the report process is critical in this respect. It means that the students will also have a clear picture of progress made to date, their strengths, as well as areas for improvement, and most importantly, ways forward for achieving further improvement.