GK offers intervention programs for students requiring extra support, as well as extension opportunities for students who are able to perform above their expected grade level.
‘Boost’ is an intervention program designed for children who are at risk in their literacy learning. These small group sessions take place two to four times per week. Groups are commonly made up of around 5 students who have similar abilities, similar needs and have been identified through ongoing teacher assessments.
The home-school partnership is vital to the success of Boost. Children with lots of support and encouragement from home consistently achieve better results. There may be a small amount of follow up work sent home from time to time with each child, designed to consolidate the understandings being developed at school.
Numeracy support groups are run to assist students who require extra help in the main topics of number, including place value. In a small group format, students are provided with explicit additional teaching and activities to help support their continued progress to the next level. These groups are run by qualified teaching staff, including the Vice-Principal at GK.
Learning extension opportunities for students achieving above expected standards. Students who consistently demonstrate that they have mastered the standards of their current grade level are challenged through explicit teaching in the classroom to progress to the next level of work. This can include a range of tasks designed to extend these students, including:
In grade five and six, students are involved in learning mathematics in zoned groupings, involving teaching at the level of need of students. This ensures that high-achieving students are continuously extended into high school mathematics materials. Simultaneously, students who are struggling with specific concepts are supported in developing these through the continued use of concrete manipulatives in smaller groups. The Principal and Assistant Principal are regularly involved in both leading and assisting with these needs-based mathematical workshops, ensuring we cater for every students' next level of learning at GK.
During a set timeframe from February to August, students are challenged to read a minimum of 30 books (Prep, Grade 1 and 2) and 15 books (Grade 3 – 6) from a nominated list of high quality titles.
Students may also select titles according to their own interests. Those students who successfully meet the challenge have their names published in The Age and The Herald Sun as well as receive a certificate of completion. All Glen Katherine students are entered into and encouraged to participate in this challenge.