GK Curriculum Philosophy

The staff and school community at Glen Katherine Primary School are committed to providing a learning environment which encourages lifelong learning for all.


We believe in developing students who are confident, respectful, have a curiosity for learning, and are kind. These beliefs are reflected in our school values of Be Brave, Be Kind, Be Curious and Be Your Best and are interwoven throughout all aspects of the school curriculum.


The curriculum at GK covers all of the core leanring subjects such as Reading, Writing and Maths but also includes dedicated learning time in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) which ensures our students are happy, feel comfortable and cared for. The curriculum provided at GK recognises that students have different ways of learning, develop at different rates and come from a variety of backgrounds. 


Our specialist subjects of PE, Science, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Mandarin are delivered by our talented specialist teachers in dedicated learning spaces that foster curiosity and provide perfect environments for success un these specialised learning areas.


In addition, students have a wide range of opportunities to participate in leadership and MANY extra curricular activities. Student voice and agency is prevelant at GK throughout all levels of our school. Students are encouraged to provide feedback and report concerns to Junior School Council Representatives at weekly class meetings, JSC representatives meet to discuss areas for improvement, Senior School students participate in Elective subjects weekly for 3 terms a year plus many more opportunites through sport, lunchtime clubs and cross age buddy programs.